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October 31, 2018

Is Answering Online Surveys a Waste of Time?

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Is answering online surveys really a waste of time? I think not. If you really have time to waste just watching TV or playing computer or mobile games which gives you entertainment at that point and nothing else after. Why not try to be productive during your idle time? Answering surveys is not a really a bad idea.

Why? Your honest opinion in surveys helps businesses to make better products and services for us consumers to use.  It is also used by institutions to analyze and better understand public views about current news & affairs.  At the same time, you earn extra money just by answering multiple choice questionnaires or ticking a mark to answer and this won't even make you sweat.

Answering surveys will not be a waste of time when you do it to spend your time wisely.  For example, you may do it while taking time on these activities;

1) Waiting for the bus or train to arrive while going to work or going back home.
2) Waiting in line to buy food, movie tickets etc.
3) Waiting for your friends & loved ones in your meeting place.
4)  Waiting in queue for your business/personal transaction to be served.
5)  While seating at the toilet to poop

January 15, 2014

Is Freelancing Better than a Regular Office Job

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The answer is either a yes or a no, depending on your life’s situation and preferences.  If you want more freedom & flexibility in exercising your profession or career, you may want to be a freelancer.  A freelancer is someone who works for one or several employers on a per project basis which may either be on a short term or long term basis depending on the needs of the employer and how well you perform. There may be a contract/bid agreement depending on where you sourced your freelance job. A freelancer can classify himself/herself as self-employed as he/she practices his/her own profession or know-how.